Why do you eat Pop Chips?

Whilst browsing through classmates’ blogs, Elisabeth Piccolo’s Blog, Vitaminwater’s Sponsorship of Gossip Girl, stood out. Over the past through weeks at Sauder, I have been constantly bombarded with different free products to try, one such product was Pop Chips. Not overly impressed by the product I took very little notice of any further advertising -until I was watching Glee. There was a lunch time scene where every Glee member was consuming a well-positioned bag of Pop Chips.

Much like the Vitamin Water, Pop Chips managed to reach a target audience through the placement of their product in the hands of desirable “I-want-to-be-like-you” characters. The website for Pop Chips even has a section for press, which takes a look of Pop Chips in the Media. There is also a huge usage of celebrity sponsorship with media figures such as Ashton Kuther being the “president of pop”. Such product placement and sponsorship, regardless of how bombarding it is, is ridiculously effective.

Pop Chips has become a Hollywood Brand that is creating a lot of commercial noise. The excessive use of celebrities to introduce their product, and product placement is considerably overwhelming. The ads do succeed in reaching the target audience but pollute the minds of those watching tv as a leisure activity, contributing to cultural pollution. All products that are well-placed in tv shows contribute to this cultural pollution inspiring us consumers to purchase goods that we really do not need.

In reading Elisabeth’s blog, I have come to realise that the choices I make as a consumer are influenced by more than just my personal opinions. Until now I have been very naive of the multiple marketing channels and the techniques used to reach the consumer and create a lasting product impression. By taking Marketing I have become a more conscious, brand-savvy consumer who is more aware of why I am choosing each product I purchase. 

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Personality Segmentation: Extroversion and Introversion

I recently watched a Ted Talks hosted by Susan Cain on The Power of Introverts. The video described introversion in detail and how the world is designed and focused on extroverts in both the workplace and school environments. A key point made by Cain was the “there’s zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas” identifying the extrovert personality as being perceived as dominant regardless of the quality of the idea. This point applies to the concept of marketing and the use of advertising as many of us are sold through the best advertisement and not on the best or most useful features of the product.

A blog published by Michele Miller on The #1 tip for Marketing to Women Online indicated that the most successful on-line shopping sites have their phone number in the top right corner where ones eye is the first to fall. The blog argues that the phone number gives the extroverts a means of contacting other “human beings” to discuss the product they want to buy, whilst introverts can shop alone without the influences or opinions of shop assistances or in-store display advertising. In identifying the needs of two different types of shoppers the on-line shopping experience has been able to encompass the entirety of the population based on personality types.

However, visual and everyday marketing has failed to capture the introvert market in its entirety. The extrovert personality is constantly displayed, such as the promotion of the party scene being the “place to be”. Brand ambassadors too are continuously expressing their opinions and overwhelming the need for individual thought and expression. Extroversion according to Cain has created a “culture of character”. On-line shopping has been successful in catering to the needs of introverts, where as everyday store shopping has unintentionally bombarded us with extroverted views. Considering that 30-50% of the population is introverted there is a potential for a new target segment in everyday marketing based solely on personality type.


Michele Miller’s Blog: The #1 Tip for Marketing to Women On-line

Susan Cain: The Power of Introverts via Ted Talks



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Market Segmentation: It’s not for… Who?

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This weekend whilst watching TV I happened to stumble across Dr. Pepper’s new ad campaign for a diet drink whose slogan is “It’s Not for Women.” The commercial involves an action-movie setting with an intense car chase and a starring male lead, who implies that this drink would absolutely not appeal to women in any way. The commercial humours the belief that diet drinks are only for women.

This advertisement contrasts Teresita Aristizabal’s blog “Being “Glam” is just the Diet Coke Way” whose new advertising campaign for their diet drink is direct towards women. Both diet drinks are intense competitors who are fighting for a market share. And both competitors have independently gone after a different market segment by appealing to the different audiences. Coke’s campaign adds a sense of fashion to the product whereas Dr. Pepper stresses an “anything-but-fashion” appeal. The product design itself is reflective of this as Diet Coke’s new can has a floral feel, where Dr. Pepper has bold, dark, solid, “male-appealing” colours. Each campaign successfully reaches a target audience, but which one will increase the sales of each product?

Personally, I feel that Dr. Pepper commercial will have more success than that of Diet Coke. Dr. Pepper strikes up a conversion between household members due to the controversial slogan, “It’s Not for Women.” Women may feel “insulted” or “angered” by this remark, however; the aim of the commercial is not to attract women it is to attract men. A problem posed by this is if women do the grocery shopping and they are confronted with two boxed items, one with a floral design, and one with the slogan “It’s Not for Women” they may be more inclined to buy the floral box, just out of distain for the saying.

In segmenting by gender both diet drinks have isolated a target market, however; only sales will determine which campaign is more successful.

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Jane Lynch is the Healthy Choice

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My favourite commercial at the moment is the Healthy Choice food commercial starring Jane Lynch.  Lynch is a hilarious tv personality and is well known for playing the villain, Sue Sylvester, on Glee. This commercial combines the delicious-looking screen shots of food with Lynch’s edgy sense of humour. The result is an unforgettable commercial because who forgets what makes them laugh?

Healthy Choice targets the younger market by including Jane Lynch. Lynch has a unique acting style, that of a self-promoter, which appeals to those with a funny bone. The script is aligned with Lynch’s personality and delivers a believable performance of a true endorsement. In choosing Lynch as the promoting celebrity I feel that Healthy Choice has a competitive edge over the competition. Lynch appeals to the younger adult generation through her work on Glee and recently hosting the Emmy’s. She also appeals to middle-aged women, who would have the lifestyle in which quick healthy food options should be targeted to. Her appeal is in her down to earth personality and her ability to make anyone laugh. She has constantly been compared to Ellen Degeneres, a day time talk show host and stand up comedian, who was a success in the Cover Girl commercials targeted at middle-aged women. Both women have an engaging sense of humour, a captive audience, and a well known background.

In the behind the scenes look of how Healthy Choice’s commercials were filmed Healthy Choice is further promoted by Lynch. There is undoubtedly a script for the behind the scenes footage, however; Lynch’s mockery of the performance further sells you on the product. Her wit and her humour are in alignment with Healthy Choice’s marketing strategy and turns even the least glamorous parts of the commercial into selling features.

Healthy Choice has created a captive commercial that will propel Healthy Choice into become a market force.

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Lessons Learnt from Comm 299

During Comm 299 I have learnt many valuable skills such as creating an appropriately targeted resume, how to conduct an interview and how to get the job that I desire.

I believe the most important aspect of Comm 299 was the focus on my own job search and how I should search for what I am passionate about and would like to do.

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Forever Superman

When I was in middle school we had to read an autobiography on a person of interest. I choose Christopher Reeve who was best known for his role as Superman in the late 1970’s. I was not very familiar with Christopher Reeve at the time and I chose this autobiography as I figured that such an actor would have a pretty interesting life. And did he ever.
Reeve was born into a wealthy family and grew up to be well educated attending both Cornell and Juilliard. He became Superman in 1978 and continued to do great things thereafter. In 1985 however, he was in a horse riding accident paralysing him from the neck down. He considered suicide as he felt that life without the movement of anything below the neck was a waste of a life, but was convinced that this would not be the case.
 After his injury Reeve became more than the Superman he had previously been. He started research programs and charities. He was determined to get better, even though such a feat was thought to be impossible. Reeve dedicated his life to helping those who had become paralysed.

Reeve accomplished more after his paralysis then prior to the accident.

I remember reading his autobiography and being amazed at just how the amount of dedication and passion one person has can create a drastic difference. He redefined what it meant to be a hero. A hero is not only someone who saves lives but is also someone who looks past the obstacles and will try anything in order to succeed or create change. A hero is someone who will do the impossible and make it probable, such as moving a finger even though one is paralysed from the neck down. A hero is someone who makes an everlasting impact.

Christopher Reeve is my hero.

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Google vs. Groupon

Two years ago groupon was an idea posed by CEO Andrew Mason. Today Groupon refused a 6 billion buyout from Google. Group0n is a prime example of entrepreneurship; taking something out of thin air and making it profitable. Groupon allows consumers to buy bulk coupons for local businesses. This allows businesses to access to new clients in hopes of gaining return clients in the future. However is this beneficial?
For Groupon, yes. Groupon is estimated to make $2billion this year, of which it has to split a part of that revenue with 250 local businesses. This allows for still quite a hefty profit to be made. Also considering Groupon is so new, many are still to hear of Groupon, and with this conflict now between Groupon and Google, publicity is spreading.
But is Groupon beneficial for the businesses, I’m not so sure. Groupon can encourage consumers towards the business however they cannot guarantee return clientele. As a starting point in gaining customers, yes Groupon is useful. But in making a lasting impression, probably not.
I can see Groupon becoming less popular. Businesses will reach their target clientele and stop using Groupon, bad client experiences will decline the usage of Groupon, and one day there is bound to be a “fake” coupon creating further hassle and harassment of Groupon.


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When Fiction Mirrors Reality


In browsing through the online news I found an article that mirrors a novel I just read, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. The article found was about Wikileaks, a whistle-blowing organization in which journalists bring about astonishing news to the public through interrogative journalistic articles. Millennium, the organization within the novel, is also a whistle blowing company also releasing journal articles holding information generally withheld from the public. However that is not where the similarities stop.
The founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, was recently arrested about alleged sex crimes. The main character in the book Mikael Blomkvist, was also arrested, but due to improper journalistic integrity. Both crimes were committed in Sweden.  Similar yes; identical no. However, the novel deals with crimes against women, and the crime committed by Assange was against women.

It may be a stretch but I found that both the novel and the article were considerably interrelated. A form of business, such as whistle-blowing, rarely makes it into a novel. Also recently in Comm 101 the term was used to describe another organization. I have been overwhelmed with this style of organization and have become increasingly aware just how prevalent whistle-blowing is in society. However, I have not been convinced that all whistle-blowing has lead to the desired change, especially when those announcing the crime, have a hand in committing others.


A quick summary if you haven’t read the book:

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Is it the Most Wonderful” Time of the Year? Christmas Shopping Madness.

With Christmas just around the corner many of us have started our Christmas shopping. This past Friday was Black Friday, an American holiday in which retailers price merchandise extremely cheap for an inventory clear-out. This year marked a dramatic increase in consumer spending since the economic recession in 2009.
The economic recession took a toll on many families, with plenty of people losing jobs and homes. Many retailers went out of business leaving a few retailers in the current market. Private equity firms are now supporting retailers with strong brands and there is a foreseeable profit growth as the recovery from the recession grows. With just the car industry alone adding 20,000 more temporary jobs this October this Christmas season is deemed to be more successful than last years.
However there are still many Americans, approximately 40%, who are still struck by the economic recession. Despite these sales many Americans can still not afford to participate, even with goods at rock-bottom prices. The recession has left many in devastation and continues to be prominent throughout the world. Even though consumer spending has dramatically increased this year, it has failed to be spent by those most in need.


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Social Enterprises: Capturing the Market

A social enterprise achieves a social purpose through market-based strategies deriving from the organization’s mission. Social Enterprises have a huge effect on our daily lives, as with every purchase made or service used we could potentially be impacting society and creating a positive change. Until recently I was unaware at how prevalent these enterprises really were.

 For grad our class all decided to purchase Toms; shoes in which when you buy one pair they donate another to a child in need. The idea of Toms came about when an American traveller, Blake Mycoskie, was on vacation in Argentina and noticed that the children wore no shoes. Shoes prevent diseases from entering the foot preventing physical and long term harm. Something as simple as a pair of shoes could positively impact a child’s life. So Mycoskie sought out to create an organization in which in purchasing a pair of shoes, another is donated.

Today the organization is successful and well on towards selling its one millionth pair of shoes. To allow an idea to grow into a rewarding venture such as this is not a rarity. It astounds me that an action, such a buying a pair of shoes that I took for granted, has such an impact both in the terms of business and aid.

A must view link: A history of Toms and a brief look at the creation of the shoes

The Toms Offical Website:

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