When Sex Doesn’t Sell.

American Apparel, known for its off the wall clothing, anti-sweatshop ethics, and scandalous clothing advertisements is running into torrential financial debt, quoted earlier this year at $120.3 million. However if the company is to recover will consumers still flock to buy minimal clothing pieces from a company whose founder has been charged on multiple sexual harassment charges?
CEO Dov Charney has been charged at least four times for sexual harassment by employees. And in a sense his image is portrayed throughout his brand. With female exploiting advertisements running throughout America promoting his clothing, and his name making the headlines for all the wrong reasons, it is no wonder that American Apparel sales have drastically declined. It is degrading to woman to be scantily clothed in provocative positions advertising simple items such as socks. The image was created to bring in clientele who admired his individual style, individuals like you and I, who saw our friends and less popular celebrities in his advertisements.  Models were friends of Charney’s willing to pose in his items. The brand could have been increasingly successful if originally tamed down, however the influence of Charney propelled the brand into a scandalous lime light. This proves that no matter how provocative your advertisements are, or how popular your brand is, those who run the company have the biggest influence on the brand itself, whether it is in a positive light, or a negative sexually exploiting one.

"American Apparel is dead. Done. Over." Globe and Mail 8 Oct. 2010: n. pag. Globe and Mail. Web. 8
     Oct. 2010. <http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/style/
American Apparel 2009 Advertisments. Web. 8 Oct. 2010. <http://www.americanapparel.net/

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