Social Enterprises: Capturing the Market

A social enterprise achieves a social purpose through market-based strategies deriving from the organization’s mission. Social Enterprises have a huge effect on our daily lives, as with every purchase made or service used we could potentially be impacting society and creating a positive change. Until recently I was unaware at how prevalent these enterprises really were.

 For grad our class all decided to purchase Toms; shoes in which when you buy one pair they donate another to a child in need. The idea of Toms came about when an American traveller, Blake Mycoskie, was on vacation in Argentina and noticed that the children wore no shoes. Shoes prevent diseases from entering the foot preventing physical and long term harm. Something as simple as a pair of shoes could positively impact a child’s life. So Mycoskie sought out to create an organization in which in purchasing a pair of shoes, another is donated.

Today the organization is successful and well on towards selling its one millionth pair of shoes. To allow an idea to grow into a rewarding venture such as this is not a rarity. It astounds me that an action, such a buying a pair of shoes that I took for granted, has such an impact both in the terms of business and aid.

A must view link: A history of Toms and a brief look at the creation of the shoes

The Toms Offical Website:

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