Personality Segmentation: Extroversion and Introversion

I recently watched a Ted Talks hosted by Susan Cain on The Power of Introverts. The video described introversion in detail and how the world is designed and focused on extroverts in both the workplace and school environments. A key point made by Cain was the “there’s zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas” identifying the extrovert personality as being perceived as dominant regardless of the quality of the idea. This point applies to the concept of marketing and the use of advertising as many of us are sold through the best advertisement and not on the best or most useful features of the product.

A blog published by Michele Miller on The #1 tip for Marketing to Women Online indicated that the most successful on-line shopping sites have their phone number in the top right corner where ones eye is the first to fall. The blog argues that the phone number gives the extroverts a means of contacting other “human beings” to discuss the product they want to buy, whilst introverts can shop alone without the influences or opinions of shop assistances or in-store display advertising. In identifying the needs of two different types of shoppers the on-line shopping experience has been able to encompass the entirety of the population based on personality types.

However, visual and everyday marketing has failed to capture the introvert market in its entirety. The extrovert personality is constantly displayed, such as the promotion of the party scene being the “place to be”. Brand ambassadors too are continuously expressing their opinions and overwhelming the need for individual thought and expression. Extroversion according to Cain has created a “culture of character”. On-line shopping has been successful in catering to the needs of introverts, where as everyday store shopping has unintentionally bombarded us with extroverted views. Considering that 30-50% of the population is introverted there is a potential for a new target segment in everyday marketing based solely on personality type.


Michele Miller’s Blog: The #1 Tip for Marketing to Women On-line

Susan Cain: The Power of Introverts via Ted Talks



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1 Response to Personality Segmentation: Extroversion and Introversion

  1. Good discussion of Michelle’s post with your own ideas – remember to supplement your blog with visuals!

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