Category Archives: Uncategorized

Why do you eat Pop Chips?

Whilst browsing through classmates’ blogs, Elisabeth Piccolo’s Blog, Vitaminwater’s Sponsorship of Gossip Girl, stood out. Over the past through weeks at Sauder, I have been constantly bombarded with different free products to try, one such product was Pop Chips. Not overly impressed … Continue reading

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Personality Segmentation: Extroversion and Introversion

I recently watched a Ted Talks hosted by Susan Cain on The Power of Introverts. The video described introversion in detail and how the world is designed and focused on extroverts in both the workplace and school environments. A key … Continue reading

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Market Segmentation: It’s not for… Who?

This weekend whilst watching TV I happened to stumble across Dr. Pepper’s new ad campaign for a diet drink whose slogan is “It’s Not for Women.” The commercial involves an action-movie setting with an intense car chase and a starring … Continue reading

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Jane Lynch is the Healthy Choice

My favourite commercial at the moment is the Healthy Choice food commercial starring Jane Lynch.  Lynch is a hilarious tv personality and is well known for playing the villain, Sue Sylvester, on Glee. This commercial combines the delicious-looking screen shots … Continue reading

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Lessons Learnt from Comm 299

During Comm 299 I have learnt many valuable skills such as creating an appropriately targeted resume, how to conduct an interview and how to get the job that I desire. I believe the most important aspect of Comm 299 was … Continue reading

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Forever Superman

When I was in middle school we had to read an autobiography on a person of interest. I choose Christopher Reeve who was best known for his role as Superman in the late 1970’s. I was not very familiar with … Continue reading

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Google vs. Groupon

Two years ago groupon was an idea posed by CEO Andrew Mason. Today Groupon refused a 6 billion buyout from Google. Group0n is a prime example of entrepreneurship; taking something out of thin air and making it profitable. Groupon allows … Continue reading

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When Fiction Mirrors Reality

  In browsing through the online news I found an article that mirrors a novel I just read, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. The article found was about Wikileaks, a whistle-blowing organization in which journalists bring … Continue reading

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Is it the Most Wonderful” Time of the Year? Christmas Shopping Madness.

With Christmas just around the corner many of us have started our Christmas shopping. This past Friday was Black Friday, an American holiday in which retailers price merchandise extremely cheap for an inventory clear-out. This year marked a dramatic increase … Continue reading

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Social Enterprises: Capturing the Market

A social enterprise achieves a social purpose through market-based strategies deriving from the organization’s mission. Social Enterprises have a huge effect on our daily lives, as with every purchase made or service used we could potentially be impacting society and … Continue reading

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