Using synchronous tools (Skype, Wimba, and Elluminate Live™) is relatively easy to do. I had the chance in this course (ETEC 565), and even more so in ETEC 510, to use Skype to communicate with a group of fellow students. I found that being able to hear another student’s voice, even ever so briefly, carries through to the text postings and helps to make a personal connection. On the downside, perhaps it is just me and my lousy equipment but I seem to have quite a bit of trouble with Skype disconnecting and suddenly going “fuzzy” or completely inaudible – ? Knowing that I do have the option to text synchronously if the audio goes out, I think I might just opt for that to begin with and avoid any frustration – or maybe it is time to update the old (in techno terms) laptop.
Although I was unable to participate in the two Wimba Live Classroom sessions held in this course (the second one I was definitely working at the pharmacy – the first one?) I was able to view the archives and saw that it is similar to Elluminate Live™ which I have used quite often but admittedly mostly asynchronously. I just visited FanLive, as my college calls it, and noticed that it is now officially known as Blackboard Collaborate. Has anything changed? The initial load page looks different of course with the new name but once it opens up the appearance is as it was. The other difference is that it loads faster! Looks like a good start to a new school year!