This exercise was quite a time robber! I suppose one could say that it was labour intensive, but I found it to be a labour of love. I really enjoyed learning and creating but soon (or not so soon) realized that to even come close to completing my website, I would need to dedicate much, much more time and effort. You can have a look at what I have created so far keeping in mind that it is nowhere near being useful at this point. I did test for accessibility using the WAVE tool and was happy to find that it worked – at first! Then I tried getting too fancy and ended up with “2 possible accessibility errors.” I tried accessing my site using Internet Explorer and Firefox and it seemed to work just fine with either one.
I was a little surprised with how easy it seemed at first but how difficult (or tedious) it really ended up being trying to create an attractive and functional site. I wish I could throw together a website like this one: (ah, so pretty AND functional) but I am guessing someone with a lot of experience had a hand in creating it.
I also downloaded Dreamweaver and have started creating web pages and loading them onto my Moodle site.
All in all this was a great exercise and I feel that I learned the basics upon which I am prepared to continue to build, learn and improve.