Posted by: | 25th Jun, 2011


Since I have had some experience using WordPress here (no, you do not have to press anything – this page is it) I decided to try using Blogger I am starting to see the value in linking one’s web activities (but have not done so yet) otherwise it would be quite difficult and time consuming to update and keep track of everything – aah! I think I prefer to be the person who routinely and continually contributes to her blog(s) and updates her websites largely because I find it rather discouraging to visit a promising looking site only to find its last entry was literally years ago! This was the case with the Stingy Scholar. Sure, I was drawn to it because of its name (you try going through this list of 100 Education Blogs and see which one you pick!). However, when I visited it I was a little disappointed to find the last entry was June 17 – 2009! O.k., so maybe this blog was written by a student which would explain its limited shelf-life; I know you cannot stay in school forever, I tried. After clicking on the “meet the writers” button I found out that there were actually eleven writers altogether and the blog activity petered out from 303 in 2006 to just one in 2009. Hmm. There was also a link to the Stingy Scholar’s wife’s website for new moms but it too was last updated in 2009; new moms have a short shelf-life also. And then I felt a twinge of worry for these people. I hope they are both (or all twelve) still alive and well. Anyway, I did manage to find quite a few blogs that are very interesting and up-to-date (Clive Shepherd; The Open Classroom; and Moving at the Speed of Creativity). I am sure if given enough time I may have found 90/100 to be awesome blogs but these are three I plan to check in on from time to time.

The big lesson learned in this once again is that the process of learning and creating using technology (in this case blogs) is the easy part; the arduous task may be in keeping on top of it in the day-to-day routine and for the long haul.


Well said. Ad I am one of those intermittent bloggers as of late. Yesterday and today the Internet “ate” two extensive entries I was writing. I think I need to go back to writing in Word then cutting and pasting.

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