I chose Glogster in which to create an “edgy” Digital Story primarily for its ability to add audio and video. I intentionally made it a little dark because pharmacy can be a very rough place believe it or not. Yes, I have personally witnessed a robbery at my store. We can call this an effort to desensitize and initiate, I suppose.
I think this tool would work well for students to create a story of their own. Each year I give students an assignment in which they are required to describe a “Leading Practice” in a hospital setting that would add value to the institution. The example that I use is a living roof. I show students a PowerPoint presentation with pictures and describe how the project came to be as if I were really involved. They are asked to follow suit and be very creative, however, what I often receive is a dry presentation with “just the facts.” I think using a tool such as Glogster would encourage students to think more outside of the box and be creative. It would also allow students to share and get ideas from each other and hopefully increase motivation and improve the quality of the final product. I do not think it can be used effectively to teach a lesson if there are too many bells and whistles added. I used numbering to help guide the flow of the story. You can view my work and read more under “Digital Story.”