Posted by: | 16th Jun, 2011

WebCT/Vista LMS

I found this exercise to be a bit more labour intensive than creating content and quizzes in Moodle! Even though I followed the instructions provided in the e-Learning Toolkit, I still had to “hunt and peck” a couple of times. Having sort of “winged” it through Moodle in a previous course, I am not entirely sure I would want to do that in WebCT/Vista. The layout and design is not as intuitive as Moodle. For instance, I like how Moodle is organized into two main functions: Resources and Activities. This lends itself to designing a simple, comprehensive, easy to understand course. WebCT/Vista may have more options and functionality than Moodle, but I say “less is more” in creating an online course – both for the student and the teacher. Although the WebCT/Vista practice site has a tab for both Course Content and Learning Modules, I think I would combine these (as ETEC 565 has). So, I recognize that not all options in WebCT/Vista must be utilized but I question its ease of use for teachers who find themselves having to create their own course. This was a great eye-opener for me in recognizing just how easy Moodle is!


So funny–I feel exactly the opposite! I find Moodle clunky, inelegant and rather grotty looking. I don’t like the limited structure, the location of the Course Menu or the way it embeds discussions all over the site!

To each there own, eh?

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