PETA / ASAN culture jammed ad!

My altered version of the ad is an attempt to shift the narrative of autism. I turned that frown upside down (literally!) in order to remove the negative subtext of the original ad. A diagnosis of autism should not be a condemnation, as autistic behaviour is not an incorrect way of being that should be “corrected” to fit in with wider society. I have changed the slogan from “Got autism? Studies have shown a link between cow’s milk and autism” to “Got autism? No problem! There is nothing wrong with you” to  present a more reassuring advertisement. Instead of blaming autistic individuals and their parents for “causing” autism, a better approach would be to supply autistic individuals and their families and friends with resources to foster connection and policy changes.

I have also changed the organization sponsoring the ad from PETA to ASAN (Autistic Self Advocacy Network), because PETA has no place distributing an ad about autism. ASAN is an organization that has been created by and for autistic people, and has the slogan “nothing about us without us”; the purpose of this organization is for autistic people to help empower other autistic people across the world to take control of their own lives on the basis that autism should not be considered an inherently unhealthy diagnosis. It is not a disease, but is an alternate way of existing in the world; difference does not indicate illness, and autism does not necessitate a cure. ASAN works tirelessly to connect with other autistic people and to change public policy and public perspectives of autism, and to remove the shame embedded in a diagnosis of autism.

This ad is intended to serve as a means of reaching out to autistic individuals who may feel powerless in their lives, to their families who may have negative associations with autistic diagnoses, and to the general public who may, as PETA’s original ad portrays, believe that autism can and should be prevented. My edited version of the ad aims to shift the narrative of autism towards a healthier, more empowering perspective.

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