
This blog will be used to post all the activities associated with English 301 (Technical writing). The goal of this course is to learn the basis of written communications used in professional settings. All the practice works will be posted here each week. Towards the end of this course, I will create a web portfolio for a professional profile. All the works are expected to develop self-editing skills as a professional writer. Personally, this course is quite intriguing as majority of communications nowadays are delivered through virtual online platforms such as social networking services, emails, or phones and this online course is a perfect form to learn the adequate manners for them.

To illustrate the details of the course structure, a new theme will be suggested every 3 weeks until all four are explored. First one is “principles, practices and people” which is related to the introductory part of the textbook that introduces the principles of technical and professional writing. I will also start practicing the basics of resume writing during this period. Second is, “designing a report proposal.” As the title of the theme explains, I am expected to write a proposal, paying attention to whom I am writing to and what field of business it is related to. I will be able to practice setting the right tone and clarity in accordance to the purpose of the proposal. Next is “designing a report outline and draft.” An outline and draft of the project proposed in second period will be posted. Utilizing the UBC career’s website and other job application help resources, I will also write a job application and more detailed resume during this time. Finally, “drafting the formal report” will be the last theme of this course. I will post a more realistic and complete version of a formal report using the appropriate style considering the organization and audience.

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