External Blog: Apple vs. Samsung in billion-dollar patent fight







The battle between the two smart phone companies has been going on for the past decade. The latest recorded market share for smartphone shows that Samsung is leading with 30.6% of the global market share and Apple has 24.1% of the global market share. Together, the two smartphone power houses own over 54% of the global market share for smartphones. Both companies are very competitive with each other, 2 years ago, Samsung sued Apple for copying their technology and ended up paying $1.05 billion as the jury decided that Samsung copied iPhones software. The battle between the two firms will resume in March 2014.

I believe that it is good to have 2 big smartphone companies in the market rather than a monopoly dominating the whole industry. The competition drives technological improvements further at a faster rate, if Apple was the only existing firm who produces iPhones without Samsung’s interference, their growth would not have been as substantial as we see today. It is due to pressure from each other’s competitors that they are able to innovate and produce better products.



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