Response: The Art of “Putting a Smile on Customer’s Face”

Zappos has an outstanding customer service that no other company in the world has. I really agree with you that they are really interesting by the fact that they only employ passionate people who are optimistic about their work and they are specially trained for the job. I took a look at the link in your blog post and i find it really surprising that the customer received a full refund for the shoe that fell apart. This really shows that the company Zappos prioritizes their customers and they try their best to keep their customers happy. I believe they will have a strong customer base as a result of their excellent customer service quality.

Moreover, as you’ve mentioned in your blog, there is a 24/7 call service, which answers questions from their customers. This is really helpful and there are not many companies in the world that provides this service and this is a point of difference that distinguishes Zappos and the other firms in the market. I am shocked that they would suggest their competitors to their customers who wants to purchase shoes that they don’t have. This adds emphasis on the fact that Zappos is more than just a company who focuses on making profits, but also the main goal of the firm is to keep the consumers happy.

Response to Aylin’s Blog 🙂

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