Safety Comes First!

Eyes and words are the fundamental components of social interactions. Have you ever conveyed your frustration by rolling your eyes upward? Or did you ever blurt out words like ” Jesus Christ! He is such a beast! “? What comes into your mind? For me, ‘MORALITY’ immediately pops up in my head.

Loss of business ethics in the society has been quite an issue in recent. In particular, the most sizable retailer, Walmart claimed that they had halted from manufacturing its commodities at a list of factories due to labour violations and severe security problems. Even though it had already been 2 years since Walmart claimed that they had discontinue business with the problematic factories, still, it was found that a substantial amount of garments from the factories of the Bangladesh were shipped to Walmart Canada.

Not only so, it was reported that Walmart has not signed onto an agreement to upgrade the safety appliances of the Bangladesh factories. Walmart spokesman, Kevin Gardner claimed that they are formulating an alternative plan which will exceed the expectation of the other proposal offered by the International Labour Group. Profits might be one of the biggest of concern for the corporations, however, the safety of the employees should be taken into consideration as well.

References: Grabell, Michael. “Walmart Accepted Clothing from Banned Bangladesh Factories.” ProPublica (2013): n.pag. Web. 12 Sep 2013. <>.

Image: N.d. Photograph. n.p. Web. 12 Sep 2013. <>.

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