Save the Income Disparity

Ever since China opened up their country to foreign investment for entrepreneurs, the country soon picked up extremely quickly and turned to become one of the world largest economy. The standard of living in terms of housing, daily necessities and luxuries have then shoot up substantially.

Nonetheless, the income disparities among the people is indisputable. No doubt, human overpopulation is one of the mainspring of the matter. Also, the country is lacking the right method to deal with wealth distribution as the wages rise or fall for individuals is not determined by the government. With the GDP increasing these years, which, too, brought up the government fiscal revenue stream, and the earnings disproportion between the State and the people increase even further.

Hence, the government decided to pressure the enterprises towards a reform by focusing on advanced industrial development to not only boost up productivity, but also profitability. Eventually, workers’ income will rise up accordingly to the improvement.

In order to make things better and to allow the entire nation to savor the product out from the flourished economy, it is time for the government to set in to make a difference.

References: Liang, XiaoMin. “China has grown rich, now it’s the people’s turn.” (2011): n.pag. News China Magazine. Web. 1 Oct 2013.

Images: Klein, David G. Income Inequality, Writ Larger. 2007. Painting. The New York TimesWeb. 1 Oct 2013.


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