Sony PlayStation 4

On November 15, Sony PlayStation 4 is offered for sale at a price of $399 in North America. With only $100 less than the Microsoft latest gaming console, the Xbox One, which is scheduled to be released on November 22, this will make Sony a strong competitor in gaming consoles market for Microsoft.

Sony is providing some freebies for the early buyers, this included a free usage of the Sony Music Unlimited and the PlayStation Plus for a month and also a $10 credit in the PlayStation Store. With only mere $10, some players can opt to upgrade several selected PlayStation 3  games and make them compatible to play with PlayStation 4.  With this, Sony can ensure the loyalty of a handful of buyers and gamers to support their product.

Nevertheless, some reviewers complaint about the incompatibility of many PS3 games, thus shrinking the size of PS4 gaming library. Reviewers have appealed that buyers should wait for more features and games to release before they buy it.  The lack of compatible game can badly affect the sales of Playstation 4. It would be nice if Sony can delay PS4 releasing date and expand their game library by developing more games that are compatible for the utilization of PlayStation 4.

References: Brien, Lucy O’. “Sony Posts Troubleshooting Guide for the PS4 ‘Blue Light’ Issue.” IGN. N.p., 17 Nov 2013. Web. 15 Oct 2013.

Carnoy, David. “PS4: Everything you need to know.” Cnet. N.p., 14 Nov 2013. Web. 15 Oct 2013.

Images: Long, Neil. PS4, next gen rivalry and the Vita rescue plan: in conversation with PlayStation’s Jim Ryan. 2013. Photograph. EdgeWeb. 15 Oct 2013.

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