Monthly Archives: February 2016

Balance of Professional and Friendly


For unit 2, we began to work on two major components of the course: The Application Package and the Formal report.  Part of this work requires us to create our own professional profile using LinkedIn and brainstorm ideas for the topic investigation of our formal report.  Both these activities gave me the opportunity to strengthen my writing ability and reflect on my strengths and weaknesses as a working professional.  Prior to this course, I never accessed LinkedIn nor did I think about creating my own profile.  Once I was exposed to it,  I realized it’s effectiveness in organizing one’s professional profile.  I especially enjoyed creating my own personal resume online and displaying my experiences to the professional world. During the process, I learned how to utilize the tools of LinkedIn to professionally present myself and use LinkedIn as a networking opportunity.  After creating a skeleton of my profile, I spent a few days trying to enhance my LinkedIn profile by analyzing other people’s profile. Unfortunately, my partner was unable to review my profile due to illness, so I took it upon myself to critique my own profile by comparing it to others.  The assignment of LinkedIn Best Practices augmented my profile further when researching information from online resources.  I completed a review of my partner’s LinkedIn profile using the template from the textbook, but I did not benefit from viewing his profile because it was incomplete.  Overall, my experience creating a professional social media network was great and I wished I had done this sooner.  This assignment was beneficial and I believe creating my own personal profile will increase future opportunities for my career.

The process of brainstorming and planning  for my research proposal was challenging.  The assignment required us to investigate and recommend an action plan on the inefficiencies in a public setting. The brainstorming of the topic required some thought and I wanted to make there was enough depth from my investigation to cover my analysis.  After much deliberation, I chose a topic I’m involved in at work (feasibility of emailing exercises).  Once I chosen my topic, creating the proposal did not take much time  due to my background in Kinesiology.  Even though I created an outline of my research proposal, obstacles may occur once I commence my research.  I am relying on my organizational and time management skills to prevent any difficulties when putting together this project.  I am happy with my progress report and will incorporate more details to my outline as I continue to work on the project.  My confidence level is high and I hope to meet and even exceed the expectations of this assignment.

The peer review of my partner’s proposal continues to be a great learning experience.  My focus in the review was to maintain the balance between a friendly and professional tone when critiquing other people’s work.  This feedback was given on my previous peer review and I want continue enhancing my skills in evaluating other people’s work.  When I reviewed my partner’s proposal, I did not find many errors in his work.  I can see my team’s writing is improving, which doesn’t surprise me because of the feedback we all provide for each other.  My peer reviewer suggested revising my introduction to not sound repetitive.  I took his advice and made modifications, as I reread my formal report.  After editing my introduction, I removed the component making it sound less redundant.  When reading my report again, the revision sounded much better.  I also kept in mind the writing suggestions Dr. Paterson gave on my evaluation, especially eliminating unnecessary words, making my statements concise.  Adopting these changes also made the report easier to read and understand.  I feel that my writing is gradually improving and find myself more mindful when writing report and reviews.  

As I continue with the course, I’m starting to feel more comfortable with my technical writing skills.  The task given for this unit will prepare me well for the upcoming projects and assignments.  Creating a memo with the timetable of our research report will keep me organized as I continue with the project.  The LinkedIn profile has given me the opportunity to review my personal resume and will be helpful as I continue assembling my application package.  Peer reviews are important in writing and if there were none in the course, I feel that my writing would not be at this caliber.  I am starting to understand that writing is a process and that peer reviews are the key component in establishing these skills. Now I am taking more time to improve my technical writing skills and I will continue to develop my writing skills into the next unit. Overall, I’m enhancing my writing skills and feel more confident as I continue to work through the course.  

301 Huy Nguyen’s Revised Formal Report Proposal

Peer Review of Huy Nguyen’s Formal Report Proposal

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The Learning Process of Writing


For this assignment , I chose to define the term “Kyphosis” for a population who are unfamiliar with this term.  We were required to define our term in three different ways: parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definition.  While doing the assignment, I had to make sure that there were not any jargon and utilize proper words for easy comprehension.  I carefully provided sufficient information so that readers would not have any questions when introduced to the term.  The biggest challenge was having to remember that my audience may have never heard of the term “Kyphosis”.  Much of my experience with writing stems from lab reports and scientific papers, where I assumed that the readers would have knowledge within the field.  Changing my mindset when writing this paper gave me much insight on how others view my writing.  I now understand how to write an article that they have no prior knowledge about, while supplying the right amount of information to ensure understanding.  

My peer review team member William Ting assisted me by analyzing my article and also providing a well written definition of “Venture Capital” for me to critique. When reviewing William’s writing, I made some suggestions on modifying his content so that they would be more relevant to his definition.  When writing the report on his definitions, I tried to be as critical about his work as I could while maintaining a high level of professionalism.  This was very challenging because I did not want to come across as offensive when making my critiques.  I found that providing feedback in this format allowed me to be very systematic when looking over his writing and has taught me to be more efficient in my analysis.  The analysis not only benefited his work, but also helped me when I re-evaluated my work. My perspective changed after looking at Will’s definitions and allowed me to see some of the flaws in my writing, some which are similar to the corrections I made in William’s writing.  Making changes to my work from the peer reviews made my writing better and critiquing other papers assisted me when I re-evaluated my paper.

The peer review on my definitions were extremely helpful and made me understand how people view my writing without prior knowledge to the topic. During my self editing, I provided some more relevant details about “Kyphosis” so that people would be able to grasp the whole picture when reading my definitions.  I re-structured some of my paragraphs so that the sequence would flow better and transition smoother for better understanding. I re-did my citations and provided a capture for the visuals as well.  Overall, I felt that the feedback given to me and critiques I provided to Will strengthened my technical writing skills and shown me a deeper understanding of how to write to a specific audience.

Peer Review Assignment 1

Kyphosis Technical Definition Revised


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