Monthly Archives: April 2016

Planning for the Future

Throughout the ENGL 301 course, I learned many valuable techniques in order to enhance my technical writing skills.  My abilities to write to an audience in a professional manner has improve immensely and I am more aware of my writing and style communication.  The peer reviews were an excellent component in this course and valuable in helping me identify some of my recurring mistakes and weaknesses. For example, I have a tendency to use extremely long sentences and have unnecessary words in my writing.  I may have picked up this bad habit from writing courses that required a quota for the word count and wrote my ideas without being concise.  The peer review component helped me realize this weakness and allowed me to correct the habit in my writing.  This also gave me the opportunity to analyze my peers’ writing and identify common mistakes in their writing as well.  This course was practical and I feel that the knowledge I have gained through writing the different documents will be useful in any professional setting.


As a working profession and student, these skills will be extremely valuable in networking and building my career.  I have gained much more confidence in my ability to professionally express myself in a friendly tone.  Applying the valuable skills I learned throughout the course will still be a learning experience.  The process of writing and learning how to communicate effectively takes time to develop.  Even though I’m more confident with my skills, I feel that there is always room for improvement.

This course has taught me that writing is a process.  It is one that I will continue to develop far into my professional career.

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Creating the Web Folio


This is my first time creating a Web Folio and it has been a rewarding experience for me.  This project has given me the opportunity to showcase my personal work and present myself to the world as a professional.  The knowledge and experience I have gained from completing this project can assist me in pursuing my future career.  This process has allowed me to tap into the creative qualities of who I am, something I have suppress in much of my learning.  Creating this blog is somewhat like creating my LinkedIn profile;  I spent time learning how to make modifications to the pages and expanding on my technological skills, while also tweaking some of the visuals and text to fit my personal style.

Maintaining professionalism and a friendly tone of voice was an important part of creating this blog and something that I kept in the back of my mind as I worked through each page.  In order to attract like minded professionals, maintaining a friendly and professional tone is key in order to keep people engaged.  This component in writing was emphasized in the technical writing course, which has helped me immensely in creating the proper tone for my Web Folio.


I am happy with the end product of this web folio and I find that the visual appearance suits my simple nature.  I want this page to be an extension of who I am and feel that I have accomplished that with my Web folio.



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