
I feel very fortunate to be in a position where I’m offered many opportunities for growth and development as a young person and as a student. There are a few special skills that I have cultivated throughout my years of school, either through formal education or extracurricular activities.

People skills: For some people, this might be something that comes naturally – I’m not sure that I’m one of them, but certainly the majority of things that I have been involved with has required me to constantly use and improve on my people skills. Throughout high school, I was involved with student council, moot court, etc., and now, in university, I find myself drawn to extracurricular activities that involves working with people, whether that’s volunteering with women and children living in the downtown eastside or residence advising. (Click here to learn more about my time as an RA this year!)

Journalism, writing: Ever since I was a little girl, I have been a writer. As I grew up and learned more about myself and the world, my writing has grown up with me, from writing stories about princesses and her friends to writing about Plato’s Forms. I had always wanted to write for a school newspaper, but my high school didn’t have one. I knew when I got to university that I would want to write for one, so on the very first day of university, I marched myself into The Ubyssey’s office and asked that they show me the ropes. I have been writing for them ever since. (Click here to see a list of some of the articles I have written.)

Graphic design: Throughout high school, I was keen on learning graphic design – that was why I chose the high school I went to, because they had a great program for it. I did very well in it and was involved in a variety of projects advertising for the school, going to competitions, doing layouts for the literature magazine and the yearbook. Since coming to university, I have not had the opportunity to be involved in graphic design as much as I would like to be and I miss it quite a bit. (Nonetheless, click here to see a couple samples of my work that I could dig up. 1 2)