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Archive for October, 2010

There are a thousand of mp3 players and laptops in the market but why do most of us desire of iPods or Mac book? The answer is branding power and advertisement of Apple. As an outcome of effective marketing technique, which includes persuasive advertisement and slogans, consumers tend to be more inclined towards Apple products, […]

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Mr. Ratan, the chairperson Tata, used to see people travelling on a scooter with three children. His vision was to give them a comfortable carrier, and it took years to give his vision a name, “Tata Nano”. This car is offered for only $2500 CAD. The performance of Nano is magnificent compared to the price […]

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What comes to your mind when you think of tasty—healthy—fast food? The obvious answer is “Subway”.  Feeding in 33556 worldwide, Subway holds a large market share in the food industry. Despite immense competition from gigantic companies such as McDonald’s etc, Subway has secured a unique place in consumers mind. Subway has successfully created a position […]

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Indian cosmetic market was worth $2.5 Billion in 2008 with a growth rate of 7%. It is likely to have a total growth of 13%-20% in 2012. Despite the dazzling numbers, approach of many companies to the consumers in questionable. Recently, I came across an advertisement that was promoting an idea among people, which I […]

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