I ran into a man walking a dog (the dog’s name was Peanut)
he asked me for the time (the man, not the dog)
he said he didn’t have a phone, he didn’t have a watch & that he didn’t need either one …
but, he needed to know the time (or wanted to know the time)
It got me thinking about the things we need to know … whether we know we need to know them or not (say that five times fast)
On that note, here are some plants I found around the site and their names … I hope that over the next few months I get to know more and more of these plants by name and eventually I’ll be able to recognize them and talk about them.
I think I know
these are things I need to know
(or want to know)
- Mullein
- Oregon Grape
- Brent’s Grist Mill
- Orion’s Belt (of Mushrooms)
- Burdock
- Brent’s Grist Mill
- Snowberries
- Oregon Grape
- Nightshade?
- Poplar