A picture says a thousand words…

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In a world where everyone is looking to social media for the answer to their marketing dilemma’s I feel that society has forgotten the power of a simple image.

Just one glance at an image can provide the viewer with a powerful, lasting message. For example, the anti-smoking campaign is done most effectively through a photo.A viewer would tune out or simply change the channel when approached with such an image and i do not believe that an anti smoking twitter post would have the same effect as the image pictured to the right.

So sure you might say that an ad campaign for a cause such as anti-smoking or PETA is done most effectively through an image, but how would a company ever use a simple image to market their product and have it be more effective than the use of social media or a tv commercial? Simple. Sex sells.  The well known fact that sex sells originated with poster ad campaigns and continues to dominate this marketing medium. Whether youagree with it or not, corporations such as Calvin Klein have taken thepower of an image and combined it with the power of sex to increase their sales.

The ability of an image to persuade a consumer should never be forgotten.