West Jet – a change in brand positioning?

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In a recent Globe and Mail report, it was revealed that West Jet has a plan to move away from their business model in hopes of competing with Air Canada on a North America wide spectrum becameWestJet_YWG

magnified by the hiring of a new CEO Gregg Saretsky.

The plans to expand the airlines service opens the airline to more risk of delayed flights, and increasing costs. For this reason I wonder; will West Jet’s marketing team be able to sell the consumer on the expanded service without changing the well known slogan, “we care because we’re owners too”?

a_WestJetI have a hard time believing this simply because, to me, a CEO reaffirms a corporations vision. West Jet wants all employees to feel as if they are a part owner of the company; however, by altering a CEO, West Jet is taking a major risk in the form of, what happens if the new CEO has a new vision in mind for West Jet? Could the expansion of service be the start?