Isabella's Corner

Toyota Press Conference: Too little to late

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Following the recall of thousands of Toyota vehicles including the ever popular Corolla, and Camry models, North American CEO’s finally hold a press conference to address how they will solve the problem of the sticking gas pedals. Although a valid effort this press conference comes to late. Production has already been halted, and the initial recall occurred over a month ago. Toyota vehicles were once viewed as superior quality in comparison to those from makers such as Ford, and GM, however, Toyota themselves have now shattered this image. I would…read more


Air Travel Havoc Between Canada and the USA: A need for higher quality MIS?

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After recently traveling between Toronto and Florida and having to wait for 3 hours to clear security, (in the priority lane), and listening to countless business people complain of how the new security measures have made their jobs, “living hell,” I’m wondering how much more they will take. Have these security measures caused a need for a more complex MIS system to allow increased video-conference calling, a form of a virtual boardroom? Or is in person meetings really worth the pain of now having check the luggage you were once…read more


MEC and the use of blogging, Facebook, and Twitter

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Although a blog or a tweet promoting a weekly sale could increase brand awareness I do not see this form of MIS as a useful component for Mountain Equipment Co-op, (MEC). The primary reason being that to shop at MEC you require a membership. So even if you see a tweet about a 50% off sale on rock climbing equipment you will still have to acquire a membership at the time of purchase. So Could internet based marketing be useful if it promoted the simplicity of the process to acquire…read more


Companies such as AIG hand out bonuses while collecting government bailouts?!

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A flurry of recent articles, in particular, ones from the Washington Post, the Scotsman, and CBC have discussed the ethics behind corporations handing out bonus’ after receiving a government bailout. The question stands, is it ethical for organizations such as AIG to hand out millions of dollars in bonuses while at the same time receiving government bailouts? Bonuses function as both a reward for past work as well as motivation for future work to be completed at a level exceeding expectations. When AIG received their bailout of 170 million from…read more


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