Isabella Bonato's Blog

The Average CEO

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Looking at many popular CEO’s, I find it startling that a majority conform to a certain image ideal. People like Steve Jobs, Trevor Burgess, and any female CEO are far from these standards of appearance. They do not conform to the traditional prototype of a white, muscular, tall, deep voiced male in any way, shape, or form. Yet, they have redefined limits and standards of management amongst businesses everywhere. They have become public figures and a model for pushing average standards. However, evidence clearly shows that the leaders dominating the…read more


What B.C Heritage, and the Environment, is worth to Enbridge

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It is impossible to ignore the First Nations as an integral part of our Canadian culture. This is especially so in a province rich in natural resources such as British Columbia. Reconciliation is a major issue for our province as we try to take responsibility for the unjust and unforgiveable damage caused to their heritage and culture. With the proposed pipeline, it seems completely irresponsible that a company like Enbridge feels they can offer financial compensation for a culture’s homeland. This is especially true considering the immense value and spiritual…read more


The Business Behind our Health

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  If public companies must disclose all information, why wouldn’t something as public as health care be upheld to the same standards? The connection between business and health care is a puzzling one; especially considering everyone is a very dependent consumer. We are left at the mercy of our health care professions, hoping that they uphold to the highest quality of care. It seems like it has taken far to long for the hard numbers to be released in the United States disclosing all payments by pharmaceutical companies to health…read more


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