Reflection on chosen definition and Peer-Review writing process






Completing Unit One gave me a feel of the expectations I need to achieve for technical writing for the entire course. I adhered to the instructions which were most helpful for this learning process and made me introspect on the vivid style of writing I needed to employ.

At the end of this Unit, our assignment to define a word to cater a particular audience was insightful. Moreover, how to suggest a definition to an audience who has little to no knowledge about the word worked towards polishing my skills of being clear, coherent, and creative.

Initially, the assignment seemed rather simple. To define a word I was already familiar with didn’t strike me as being time-consuming. However, the expectations of the assignments caught up with me as I progressed with my document.

While constructing my three definitions, I opened my business textbook and re-read the definition written for ‘brand extension’. While it was simple, it still had written elements that based the explanation on pre-existing knowledge to further my understanding. Therefore, to expand on it and define the term for a non-technical audience was intriguing. I was skeptical of the word I was using and reconsidered my decision, however, I felt the need to pursue it.

I found the peer-review process most effective. Reading, understanding, and evaluating a term that represented a different field of study was important in accordance to the learning outcome. I gained insights on how my peer wrote her definition for an audience she described and saw great potential in her work. Her definitions fit the criteria of the assignment and made me introspect on my work simultaneously.

Annie’s vivid peer-review of my work helped me further my understanding for this assignment and improve my writing for my chosen audience. Her opinion on defining my word with more examples did help me review my assignment in a more coherent manner. Moreover, the application of my word in real-life situations needed improvement which aided my grasp on the word as well.

I enjoyed the peer-review process. It laid the foundation for how my work is, and how it should be, avoiding complex sentences and rather keeping them simple. Annie’s suggestions were specific and informative and I have incorporated them in my reviewed document.

My revised definition document: 301-Ishaan Vora- Assignment (Revised) 1.3

My original document: 301-Ishaan-Vora-Assignment-1.3

Peer-Review from Annie: 301-Definitions-Peer-Review-Annie-Maurer



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