Unit Two Reflection









This unit has been an eye-opener for me. A few weeks back, I was tested positive for Covid-19, facing a multitude of problems along with time management and concentration. However, I always felt the need to complete every assignment in this unit as I knew the amount of value it would add to my professional identity and writing skills. Initially, I struggled with finding a topic for my formal report. Being an international student, I wanted to cover an inefficiency I had witnessed in Vancouver, and brainstorming while sitting in India was quite a task. I questioned myself on every topic I thought of and doubted myself every step of the way. Yet, I feel the topic I chose addresses a pertinent issue that has made headlines on the internet and has great scope in rectifying its issue.  The assignment to pen down an outline of my formal report was motivational and encouraging. Gaining peer advice, I understood the importance of acknowledging an audience while writing.

Following, engaging with my forgotten LinkedIn profile was an asset for me. The guidelines for the assignment helped me polish my profile and build a professional social identity with results that will benefit me in the corporate world. I created my LinkedIn as any other social media platform but after this assignment, I recognized the importance it has the value of networking that it creates and the significance of acknowledging and posting my professional achievements.

Overall, I believe these experiences have significantly impacted my view of writing and brainstorming. While submitting, I always thought my final document would be sufficient to complete my course requirement with distinction. However, the process of peer-reviewing has shown its merit and made me understand that there are numerous potential avenues to fix and address my writing. Therefore, the true ideology of personal growth isn’t always intrinsic but having another set of eyes on your work highlights certain rooms for improvement!



Reflection on chosen definition and Peer-Review writing process






Completing Unit One gave me a feel of the expectations I need to achieve for technical writing for the entire course. I adhered to the instructions which were most helpful for this learning process and made me introspect on the vivid style of writing I needed to employ.

At the end of this Unit, our assignment to define a word to cater a particular audience was insightful. Moreover, how to suggest a definition to an audience who has little to no knowledge about the word worked towards polishing my skills of being clear, coherent, and creative.

Initially, the assignment seemed rather simple. To define a word I was already familiar with didn’t strike me as being time-consuming. However, the expectations of the assignments caught up with me as I progressed with my document.

While constructing my three definitions, I opened my business textbook and re-read the definition written for ‘brand extension’. While it was simple, it still had written elements that based the explanation on pre-existing knowledge to further my understanding. Therefore, to expand on it and define the term for a non-technical audience was intriguing. I was skeptical of the word I was using and reconsidered my decision, however, I felt the need to pursue it.

I found the peer-review process most effective. Reading, understanding, and evaluating a term that represented a different field of study was important in accordance to the learning outcome. I gained insights on how my peer wrote her definition for an audience she described and saw great potential in her work. Her definitions fit the criteria of the assignment and made me introspect on my work simultaneously.

Annie’s vivid peer-review of my work helped me further my understanding for this assignment and improve my writing for my chosen audience. Her opinion on defining my word with more examples did help me review my assignment in a more coherent manner. Moreover, the application of my word in real-life situations needed improvement which aided my grasp on the word as well.

I enjoyed the peer-review process. It laid the foundation for how my work is, and how it should be, avoiding complex sentences and rather keeping them simple. Annie’s suggestions were specific and informative and I have incorporated them in my reviewed document.

My revised definition document: 301-Ishaan Vora- Assignment (Revised) 1.3

My original document: 301-Ishaan-Vora-Assignment-1.3

Peer-Review from Annie: 301-Definitions-Peer-Review-Annie-Maurer



Emails to Perspective Writing Group Members








On Wed., Sep. 23, 2020, 3:03 p.m. Ishaan Vora,

<ishaanvora45@gmail.com> wrote:

To: Eugenia Fasciani

Hi Eugenia,

I hope this email finds you well!
I was inspired by your blog and your educational expertise in Political Science! I was inclined on emailing you first as I saw (and imagined) how you took out time and juggled various aspects of your life and are still able to be so accomplished and determined!
Personally, I took a few political science courses and loved Poli 260 (Global Politics). I knew the amount of work I had to put in perfecting my essays and therefore have immense respect for you to major in it!
Therefore, I am writing to you to know if you would be interested in setting up a writing group with me or if I could join your group! I believe I have what it takes to see this course through and also believe that your experiences would be beneficial to work with!
Hoping to hear from you soon!
Ishaan Vora.

Emails to Perspective Writing Group Members


On Wed., Sep. 23, 2020, 3:00 p.m. Ishaan Vora,

<ishaanvora45@gmail.com> wrote:

To: Claire Eccles

Hi Claire,

I hope this email finds you well!
I was inspired by your blog and your educational expertise in psychology and comp-sci! I was inclined on emailing you first as I saw (and imagined) how you took out time and juggled various aspects of your life and are still able to be so accomplished and determined!
Therefore, I am writing to you to know if you would be interested in setting up a writing group with me or if I could join your group! I believe I have what it takes to see this course through and also believe that your experiences would be beneficial to work with!
Hoping to hear from you soon!
Ishaan Vora.

Email Memo




To: Dr. Erika Paterson

From: Ishaan Vora

Date: Sept 21, 2020

Subject: Letter of Application posted


I hope this email finds you well!

This is to inform you that I have posted the Letter of Application on my blog.

The letter includes the following points:-

  • An introduction of myself and a brief on my educational background
  • Few examples of my internships and opportunities I have received and their impacts on me
  • How I have grown as a writer and an individual in accordance to my fluency with the English dialect
  • My sincere commitment to work diligently

If you feel I need to improve somewhere, I would be looking forward to constructive criticisms!

Thank you for your time.



Ishaan Vora.

301 Ishaan Vora – Application Letter


Letter of Application




Dear English 301 colleagues,

I am writing to you to formally present myself as a potential candidate for your writing team. I am a third year student with a major in Interdisciplinary Studies, having English as a secondary field of study in it.

I am thrilled and excited to venture out the expanse of technical writing with a group that is meticulous and enthusiastic. Personally, I have taken courses such as Political Science, English, and Creative Writing throughout my academic tenure and have multitude of experience with writing, in all its dynamic forms. Lengthy papers and expository research have surrounded my varied educational programs since grade 9. Having done the International Baccalaureate program in my high school, I took English as one of my Higher Level courses and graduated with distinction in it. Coming from India, English isn’t my native tongue and people would also be surprised with my fluency and control over the language.

I have plenty of experiences in the field of journalism and marketing, where I had to prepare booklets worth of data, analysis, and information that were beneficial to the firms I worked under. Through these opportunities, I believe I have gained numerous insights on the nuances of writing which have founded the bases of critical evaluation and comprehensive word-building in me. While I would always struggle with numbers, words have always been my plus point.

Coming to UBC, I am the Marketing Director for the UBC TAC’s club, where I need to appropriately write content for posts and corporate relation packages in context to our targeted audiences. This provided me with the skills to recognize the duality of words and how diction can play an important role in articulating my club’s thoughts and visions. Furthermore, I am also a Peer Career Counsellor where I am being trained on employing coherency and precision with the advice and support I give to my fellow student groups, virtually and on text. Such exposure has not only led an internal growth in my language and its systematic usage, but also externally where I am able to gauge the appropriate setting and use the right words in context.

I look forward to being a part of your group and promise to be diligent with the work I do. If you think I would be a good fit for your team, please do contact me via email at ishaanvora45@gmail.com. Thank you for your consideration. Hoping to hear from you soon!


Ishaan Vora.


301 Ishaan Vora – Application Letter
