I dive into the ocean
Submerging myself in beauty
The soft bed rocks beneath me
The sweet sound of songs
From whales near by
The scuttling of king crab
And chatter of school fish
I dove into Beauty…
As I opened my eyes
I saw nothing
And felt everything
I was choking
I rose from the water; which was supposed to embrace my body
Yet it entangled me
And I could not break free
I was covered in thick darkness
My whole body felt ill
The slick oil slithered down my throat
Into my lungs it crept
Every branch of air engulfed in dirty oil
My heart pumping
My heart slowing as oil reaches it
My blood flowing
My blood weighed down and blocked by oil
I am dying
My body is filled with oil
They try and save me
Cleaning my outer limbs
But how will they clean my heart
Which weeps black tears
How will I breathe?
When oil has contaminated my lungs
I am nothing
But a casualty of blind greed
Collateral damage
Money before life
Oil before water
Country “benefits” before citizens
Growth before stability
I am dead
But at least they tried to save me?
Crystal Smith de Molina is from the Tsimshian and Haisla Nation and has been a resident of Vancouver for ten years. She is married and has two wonderful children. Crystal is a full-time student at the University of British Columbia in NITEP (Native Indian Teacher Bachelor of Education Program).
Wow, I love it Crystal I can’t wait to read more of your work.. I hear more is getting published soon!!