Replacing the Old with the New

Every consumer has the urge to buy the “newest” and “greatest” products. Children will always want the “newest” toys to show off to their friends and teenagers will always want the newest styles of clothes and electronics. In Lily Du’s post, she talks about how this mindset is “fabricated” by companies to convince the consumers that “the idea of wearing down electronics is to be ridiculed.” Even though the product is still usable, it will always be discarded by the owner if the model of the product is seen as “out-dated”. In the post, Apple is one of the leading companies that have consumers with this type of mindset. I believe that this mindset was created by the media. Every time a new apple product is released, there are numerous articles and news reports that display people excitingly lining up overnight to purchase the “latest” model. This portrayal of the public’s reaction creates an illusion that this product is the “hottest new model” and is a must have to be accepted into the general crowd. I believe that this illusion (through marketing and media) is the reason why consumers will never hesitate to retire their electronic for a “shiny new toy.”

The evolution of Apple’s Iphone

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