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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Democratization – Week 4

Wednesday, January 25th, 2012

So here’s a pretty sobering graph.. Green: Iraqi Civilian Casualties Blue: Afghan Civilian Casualties Grey: US Casualties in both Wars Red: September 11th Victims “Operation Iraqi Freedom” , it seems, was a bit of a misnomer. True, US troops are finally out of Vietnam, sorry, i meant Iraq. And they have left a ‘functioning parliamentary democracy’ in their wake, […]

Democracy in the news – Week 4 – Myanmar

Wednesday, January 25th, 2012 This article wasn’t neccesarily reporting on any major event regarding democracy, it was more of a procedural piece commenting on the progress Myanmar, formerly Burma, is making towards democratic reform. The history of democracy and human rights in Myanmar is particularly appalling,  but it seems the country is looking to increase its international reputation. In today’s liberal democratic […]

Democracy in the News – Week 3 – Pakistan

Thursday, January 19th, 2012 This article is brief but very interesting, especially in relation to the Democracy with Adjectives article which we read this week. Essentially, the Pakistani National Assembly has recently passed a bill which is dubbed a ‘pro-democracy’ piece of legislation. Essentially it was in response to the recent scandals which have plagued the Assembly and […]

Mandatory Voting – My Experience in Australia – week3

Monday, January 16th, 2012

In my second semester of third year, I had the opportunity to go on exchange to Sydney Australia. This was a fantastic opportunity for a variety of reasons but i suppose the one most relevant to this course was that I was able to see first hand how Australian politics differed from Canadian. It was […]

Assignment 2 – Links for classmates!

Monday, January 16th, 2012

@akpeepre Hi! I read your personal introduction and here’s something I stumbled across. Or more accurately, StumbledUpon, not too long ago. Your interest in environmental politics and also winter sports I feel might be in conflict with this particular video. Do u think this is an unwarranted clearing of forests or just plain awesomeness that we […]

Democracy in the News – Hungarian Constitution

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012 This situation, in my opinion, goes to show how liberal democracy is the first victim of any sort of crisis. In this case, the Hungarian Fidesz Party has passed a new constitution which lifts some of the checks and balances which are typical and necessary for a liberal democracy.  Apparently it also rewrites electoral formulae in a way which […]

Response: “Restore civics to the college curriculum”

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

In reading this article I had a few thoughts about my own education and how it has affected my own personal views and behavior regarding democracy. The education I have received in the political science department at UBC has served to make me far more cynical about politics than I had been previously. I think it is […]

Self Intro

Saturday, January 7th, 2012

Hi Everyone, My name is Justin Abrioux and I am a 4th year political science student at UBC. I have created this blog as a part of my POLI 333D course, Measuring Democracy. I hope to share with you all some of my views of current events and the prompts given by Professor Nyblade, and […]

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