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Monthly Archives: September 2013

Get paid thousands to stay in bed


It is astonishing to learn that people can actually earn a decent sum of money just by doing nothing but lying in a bed. As a part of the space study, NASA is offering a job to lie in bed for 70 days straight to predict how astronauts’ health may be affected in the weightless condition. The “monthly wage” for this job is $5000, and all the essential supplies such as food and even games (if necessary) are provided.


The job might seem like a dream come true for many individuals, but there are still four available spots for the job at the moment. The biggest reasons are probably the possible health issues one would experience after the study and the psychological mindset of doing nothing for three months. The video describes that astronauts often encounter muscle atrophy, so there is no guarantee that individuals who take on the job would have no sequela despite the health checks that NASA provides. Moreover, doing absolutely nothing for more than two months is surprising difficult for many individuals nowadays. Even though this job does not take that much effort physically, there is still no easy job in the world.

Counting the Cost of Fixing the Future


Global warming was said to be a rumor in earlier times, but it is also a scientific fact that temperature is raising with a surprising rate, especially after the expansion of industrialization. The involuntary damage from burning greenhouse gas has been irreplaceable. From the article above, calculation suggests that releasing an additional ton of carbon dioxide would cost an extra $65 in today’s money in 2015.


Nevertheless, not many individuals spend time and efforts in preventing global warming even after understanding the consequences. As the article says, spending $1 to reduce carbon dioxide today would prevent $139.56 worth of damage 200 years later. $1 is not really a big deal, but more people are concerned about the present than the future, and spending money for a better future is unrealistic. Is this an ethical act? The damage from global warming is exponential, yet we only perceive our self-interests. Perhaps it is not too late for us to start preventing the damage in order to create a better environment for later generations. After all, a little change now can cause great influence in the future, and all it takes is a first step.

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