
Ethical gap in China’s business

September 15th, 2011 · 1 Comment


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This page was posted in the end of 2010 saying New Zealand land information department overseas investment office announced that they refuse the application purchasing Crafar from the Chinese firm Nature Dairy by saying that “”Nature Dairy do not have good business ethics.

Putting aside this business purchasing stuff, here we are talking about “Business Ethics”. I think it is acknowledged that business ethics issues are serious in China, especially in food industry, like baby milk powder. Like a leading Chinese dairy company, Sanlu, admitted last week that its manufactured earlier this year was tainted by the chemical melamine. Doctors in several Chinese provinces have found more than 1,200 babies who drank the formula suffering from kidney stones and renal failure. Two babies have died as a result since May, officials say, warning that the number of cases could rise sharply.It is not surprised to hear about the baby milk powder issues in China, but the epidemic raised a serious controversy of business ethics.

In my opinion, why these happened is because first, some social environment. For the managers, it is not the lack of ethics that promotes them make the decision, but the market. The cost pressure is under bearing, direct to the walking in the dangerous path that they find any ways to reduce cost. On the other hand, I think, companies are also victims. I think it is obvious that some of the government departments in China are paper tigers. They use illicit money and revenue without doing anything giving back to the society. So the AQSIO is the chief suspect, and it is their misfeasance and nonfeasance leads to the result.

There is a troditional Chinese saying that”If thy love the property,seek for it properly,and ues it thriftily”. But, to keep the business ethics, one should pay for it. For a company, the ethics cost are sometime invisible. In my opinion, the company may loss during a short period based on its ethical strategic decisions, but, the ethical strategic is the main path towards future success.

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