
A Closer Look at How Bloggers Make Money

November 2nd, 2011 · No Comments






As people are getting used to the modern internet environment, blog has became the best choice for people to share ideas with others from all over the world, like blogspot, or even tumblr, a newly photo-sharing micro blog base. As well, in the fashion industry, people get collection informations not only from magazines, but also from blogs. That’s why  blogs have evolved into legitimate media sources and, more importantly, big moneymakers. (There are even a list of the best 100 fashion blogs.)

At first, they are Internet-famous individuals, which means they lead the online trends through their posts, Like  Karen said in the paragraph” Why would you, for instance, hire any stylist when you can hire just as talented a stylist but one that also has 75,000 followers”. Bloggers got free invitation to those collections  or events, also, they give blogger free products, what bloggers need to do is to mention collections or put links in their posts to let readers know what is happening. Keeping editorial integrity as well as writing items for some brands is what bloggers are achieving. To say, to keep their own sensibility is obliged, because that is why readers choose you, not others.

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