Entrepreneurship success?

Recently, Menchies has been top listed as one of the top “Entrepreneur magazine’s Franchise 500 list, the industry’s most prestigious catalogue of the best franchise opportunities.” Its success shows that  “In less than five years, the CEO helped to grow the brand from one store to more than 300, operating in 33 states and nine countries.”

As an entrepreneur he started business at a young age and “continued to launch, grow and sell a series of start-ups, including a chain of cellular phone equipment stores, a window and glass distribution company and assisted living building for Alzheimer’s and dementia care” Is backup knowledge important? From my point of view, I think that previous knowledge and significant experience are both important things to contribute to success and any entrepreneur must build or have. Amit Kleinberger, the CEO admits that customer satisfaction is the one of the main objective of success besides from going global. For previous knowledge in catering the needs and wants of a customer, he certainly has an advantage on the ways to find strategies and promote producs. The culture and sharing the vision of the company connects more potential customers. Giving a smile to every customer helps to create the brand entity of providing the needs and wants of customers, therefore to expand and grow globally.

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