Week 11: Amulet by Roberto Bolano

When the narrator Auxilio Lacuture began Amulet by describing that she was telling a horror story I thought it would be a story of a homicide or a murder mystery. But I was wrong, the horror Auxilio faced was much more painful than a murder mystery. Auxilio seems like a drifter, she has no concrete …

Week 9: Norman Manea’s The Trenchcoat

I found The Trenchcoat by Norman Manea to be a bit difficult. I felt lost at times and I was unsure of what was happening in the book at moments. The plot begins with a dinner party in which the guest feel awkward and obligated to be there. Perhaps because Ioana’s husband Ali is co-workers …

Week 8: Georges Perec, W, or the Memory of Childhood

W, or The Memory of Childhood By George Perec is a novel that contains two narratives at the same time. This is what initially made the novel sort of difficult to read for me read. It did begin to confuse me more and more when the narrations were not making sense of each other. However, …

Week 7: The Passion According to G.H

The Passion according to G.H by Clarice Lispector was disturbing yet intriguing. The way the novel is written allows the reader to experience what the narrator is experiencing. I found this novel very interesting because there were no other characters besides the protagonist and also because its entirety consists of internal dialogue. This is what …