Oppurtunity In Japan

Japan, one of the most technological countries in the world is now facing inflation. Since the country decided to shut down its nuclear plants, Japan is forced to import most of their resources. This increase in import has lead to increase in prices in food and electricity. Also the Japanese currency is also depreciating compared to the US dollar. Even though japan is experiencing this ordeal, businesses within japan and outside of japan can take this opportunity to grow.

Personally, I try to make the best of the situations that I am put in, and why shouldn’t businesses? Due to these situations, businesses outside of japan have the opportunity to import their materials to japan since they are in need of resources. This can then help a business grow and become more successful. On the other hand, businesses in japan can help produce substitutes so instead of japan importing their goods, they can source in locally and cut cost, and at the same time help the country grow. Therefore why continue looking at the down side, when there is clearly opportunity in any situation. When there’s a problem, even though there’s not always a solution, there is always an opportunity.

Word Count: 200

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-24293999


Business Ethics: Is it ethical for businesses to sell Bubble Tea?

Is it ethical for a business to sell products that can potentially harm their customers? Businesses would probably say no, but still continue to sell them due to the high demand for their products, in this case, bubble tea. Bubble tea first originated in Taiwan and has swept the globe as it can be found in most countries. However just recently, research has shown that the tapioca pearls in bubble tea contain chemicals that can potentially cause cancer.  Knowing this potential harm, shouldn’t bubble tea businesses stop selling this harmful product to its customers? To be corporate socially responsible, a business must also take into account the well being of their customers as they are stakeholders to the business. What if their customers fall ill due to consumption of their product? This could potentially decrease sales for the business and even lead to ethical issues that could send the business to court. Yet we must also take into account that it is also an individual’s own choice to perform any action, for example smoking can cause cancer but individuals still do it. Therefore bubble tea businesses could have information regarding tapioca pearls to help educate customers about its potential harms.

Word Count: 200

Source: http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/tapioca-pearls-bubble-tea-carcinogens-polychlorinated-biphenyls-pcbs-article-1.1148110