Today, we discussed if companies should concern about environmental issues. I personally think enviromentally friendly is not against the profit  of a company but can actually help the company in some ways. Take the water company, Bonaqua in Hong Kong as an example, they successfully built up its green image. They emphaised that they use less plastic on the water bottle which is […]

Playbook vs Ipad

Posted by: | October 12, 2010 | Leave a Comment

Has anyone heard of Playbook? If you did the econ mid term, then I can guarantee that you did. After the econ mid term, I went on the internet and searched for Playbook. The Playbook is a new stragtegy for RIM, the company behind blackberry. Since Apple is encroaching on RIMs smart phone market, RIM is now fighting back with its new product, […]

oh no! smashed guitar!

Posted by: | October 9, 2010 | Leave a Comment

The video played in class talks about how powerful social media is which reminds me of Dave Carroll’s case. In spring 2008, Dave Carroll was going to Omaha, by way of Chicago. Just after landing at O’Hare airport, he discovered that his guitar was being heaved around. So he immediately complained to the flight attendents, but got an indifferent response. After arrival in Nebraska, […]

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