Week 3- “Mad Toy” by Arlt, Roberto

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Roberto Arlt’s novel, “Mad Toy,” was a very fun and interesting read about Silvio’s adventures as a youth as he engages in the quest to become a bandit. I found this text very interesting as it described in great detail the moments in his life as a teen. At first, I was a little confused about the setting and where in fact this text would lead me. As I continued to read about Silvio’s fixation on bandits the text started to get more interesting.

One thing I liked about this book was the transitions in his life that the text moves through. From acting young and foolish as a youth to realizing he needs to work to make money, then getting selected for an apprenticeship program, to seeking something more than just money, and then getting fired. The book moves in this chronological way and leads us on this journey of Silvio’s life through boyhood and so forth. We see Silvio’s character progress from a teen concerned with the thrill of theft and adventure to a young adult with concerns of finding a job and helping his family. Finally, we see him question the meaning of his life in various stages.

Throughout the text I also felt very compassionate for his mother. As a mother she yearns for the best for her children and it crushes her to see Silvio when he lays without a job or when he thinks of committing suicide.

One thing I think the book highlighted well is the question of what is life. As seen in the book through different stages of Silvio’s life he ponders this question. He asks himself what more is out there and what else there is to life. When he is forced to quit petty theft for fear of getting caught, when he is struggling to find a job and starts to work in a used bookshop, when he gets into the apprentice airplane mechanic program and wonders if he will ever move up the social ladder, are all examples of this dilemma. It seems lot be a never-ending question we all ask ourselves when we are in certain positions in our lives. This simple yet so complicated movement in life is motivated by certain values as seen through Silvio’s character whether it be chasing for monetary values, the desire to be admired by others, worrying about being a failure and disappointment to your family, or ending up alone. Life is filled with these questions, expectations, and worries and it is such a clear theme in this book.

One question I have for this week is: How do we define ourselves by our successes and failures? and why is this book called Mad Toy?