Cutural Jam_GRSJ300

Brief Written Analysis

In this infographic, it touched on the topic of fertility and how it relates to a person’s sexual health. In my opinion, this infographic allows us to explore ideas on cisnormativity and erasure of trans people.

Information indicated that to have children in the future, there has to be a male and female and it is entirely based on their biological cycles in their bodies. As much reproductive healthcare is divided into sex-specific profiles, this poster fails to point out that people who might not identify with the gender that they are assigned at birth can get pregnant as well. Cisnormativity expects that all people are cisgender, this poster, that was broadly broadcasted across multiple platforms and by universities across the globe, assumed the same as well (an example seen is: if you were women older than 35, your chance of getting pregnant is low). However, you could see that they have attempted to be more inclusive by including people of different sexuality, yet still fails to represent the needs of all populations. Besides, the poster also highlighted the fact that in a pregnancy, a male and a female have to be involved in the process, which continues to perpetuates the stigma faced by the people that are not present in the poster, such as transgender people, which further tolerates erasure of transgender people.

Brief Written explanation

In the new, jammed version of the advertisement, I have crossed out words that only fixates on a single-gender in the light of hoping to remove the barriers and obstacles faced by trans people in terms of finding information about their reproductive health. I am also hoping that by removing terms that are biased towards one specific gender, clinics, and wards will be open to accept the idea of not limiting pregnancy to only one gender and increase inclusivity, while also allowing the trans population to feel that they have an option when they are considering pregnancy. Currently, a trans person who had not undergone sex reassignment surgery could be denied parenting rights, without the resources available too, it could be incredibly difficult for them to file for legal recognition. Changing the narrative of the infographic could open up a conversation and increase awareness in the medical community, acts as an act of education while increasing exposure of the different populations to the medical world. Hopefully, with more conversation and spaces opening up, people who do not fit under the traditional thinking of gender could benefit in the long run. It also allows us to open up our imagination of how we should unthink what we thought was right, and accepting the choices of individuals no matter what their gender is.


Bauer, G. R., Hammond, R., Travers, R., Kaay, M., Hohenadel, K. M., & Boyce, M. (2009). “I don’t think this is theoretical; this is our lives”: How erasure impacts health care for transgender people. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 20(5), 348-361. doi:10.1016/j.jana.2009.07.004

Liversidge, Y. (2016). British Fertility Society. Retrieved June 05, 2020, from

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