Application Letter

3926 W 11th Ave
Vancouver, BC V6R 2L1
May 30, 2022

ENGL 301 Classmates
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4

Dear ENGL 301 classmates:

Please consider my application for being part of your professional writing team, as advertised on the course website. I am a third-year student in the Bachelor of Computer Science (BCS) program, and I believe my experiences in collaborative writing will be a great addition to your team.

At my previous university, I worked for the school newspaper as a reporter and managing editor. As such, I am well aware of the principles of collaborative writing, which includes adhering to a specific style guide, proper formatting, revising and proofreading. My experience as a student reporter led to internships at a newspaper and marketing research company, where I continued to hone my writing skills in correspondence, formal reports, and other forms of written communication.

My professional and academic interests include new technology and startups, cultural/ethnic studies, popular culture, and higher education. I believe interning as a reporter and research assistant broadened my interests because both required studying various industries in different regional contexts. Although I lack professional experience in a specific field, I am positive that I could quickly learn any topic your writing team wishes to focus on.

I believe working as a team is a great source of learning and personal growth because it serves as an opportunity to exchange ideas, expand interests, and broaden perspectives. I sometimes find it difficult to express my opinion because I fear conflict, but I have come to acknowledge that healthy conflict often leads to increased productivity. As such, I believe it is important to set common goals that encourage open communication between team members.

I appreciate the time you have taken into reading my application. If you are interested in including me in your writing team, you can reach through my email at


Jeemin Kim

301 Jeemin Kim Application Letter

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