Posted by: | 14th Sep, 2011

Just Be Yourself?

          “Just be yourself!” is a phrase we hear from the people around us on a daily basis. However, after reading the article, “How to work with a ‘drama diva’,” it is apparent that not everybody thinks the same way. This article outlines tips for employees to follow when working with a ‘drama diva’ in order for them to be successful in their working environment. The question is, “is this really necessary?”

          Though it is an employee’s goal to deliver a product that satisfies his / her boss’s expectations, is it worth it if he / she has to lie or to present him / herself as a completely different person while working? For example, a tip mentioned in the article was to “Compliment drama divas for what they do well.” This is definitely an ethical issue in regards to whether employees are willing to change in terms of personality and to present themselves as people whose main goal has turned into becoming loyal followers of the ‘drama diva.’ On the other hand, are they willing to sacrifice this employment and work in an environment where they have freedom and area to improve their technical abilities? This depends on their view of “just be yourself.”


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I went to your chosen article Jeff, and I found myself thinking “I know people like this Drama Diva character”. I think it is necessary for articles like this because in the work place we, as both employee or bosses, need to be able to work with all kinds of people. Even though we may not like all of the extra curricular effort we need to put into people like drama divas, in the end it will make all parties involved and the company more successful. Who knows, maybe the drama diva will pick up on the flaws in their behavior. There are always going to be those colleagues that we have a hard time working with or understanding, however, in the long run it will be beneficial to learn how to work with them effectively.

[…] Jeff Li has a really interesting article up on his Business Ethics Blog. […]

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