Posted by: | 30th Sep, 2011

Check it out!

Cole Routtenberg, a student from another section of Comm 101, posted a great analysis to why Apple has risen to success over the years. His entry does not only provide reasons for the success of the company, but also provides links and sources for readers who are interested in reading further into the report. Not only was I able to find out why the company has been so successful, I have also learned about the different strengths and strategies that the company utilizes in order to capture the attention of consumers.

I think that Apple has been successful not only because of its marketing strategies, but also because of the fantastic customer service. I have only started using Apple products a few years ago. When I first purchased my iPhone, I was confused with all the functions as I was used to other brands such as Sony Ericsson. However, the friendly staff of Apple has patiently answered all my questions. This experience allowed me to realize the importance of not only effective marketing schemes, but high quality customer service as well.

I hope you guys find it as interesting as I did!

Cole’s Post: From 1976 to 2011: Apple’s rise to the technological top

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