Selecting a skincare line is no easy task, especially when a plethora of brands all boast the same promise to deliver beautiful skin by offering the most cutting edge formulas. In this highly saturated market, skincare products have no doubt reached the mature segment of the product life cycle so how does one differentiate itself from all its competitors? During my quest, I found Kiehl’s did all the right things to convince me it was the brand for me and ultimately captured my loyalty.

First of all, Kiehl’s offers a truly unique and compelling story, which is retold through generations and integrated into all aspects of the brand. The business began back in 1851 as a family run apothecary for four generations before being sold to l’Oreal which allowed the company to expand its distribution and grow to greater heights. Their products reflect their roots by always choosing the best natural ingredients to create their herbal and pharmaceutical formulas, ensuring it is safe and easy on the skin. Even the product packaging has a homemade simple look making it seem like they are individually packaged and made in the back of the store.

In terms of the retail experience, Kiehls recreates the original store by having an original Ducati motorcycle and Mr Bones in every new store while having friendly and non-pushy consultants in lab coats who genuinely help you answer questions about your specific skin type.

Most striking to me was Kiehl’s unconventional marketing strategy which to my pleasure, consisted of word of mouth promotion and generously giving out samples of their product! This really allowed me to see if their product was suitable for my skin and most importantly showed me the trust Kiehl’s had in themselves by allowing their products to speak for itself. In the end, I believe its the experience and story a company creates around its brand that will truly differentiate and set itself apart from its competitors.

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