Ethics: The Kardashian Ford Ad

April 6th, 2013

To use attractive women in advertisements as a marketing ploy is one thing, but to exploit them and portray them in a sexist, misogynistic way is another.This Ford ad was part of a campaign featuring famous celebrities kidnapping their rivals with Paris Hilton being in the driver’s seat and the Kardashian sisters in the trunk locked up overly revealing attire.  But how does this help Ford in a positive way? Is it that their cars have so much room in their trunks that they can accommodate the three Kardashian sisters? Whatever it was, it has generated a great deal of negative publicity and controversy as the Kardashians have sought legal action.

For years visually appealing women (often celebrities) have been used to catch the eye of the customer, certain ways more controversial than others. But with that advertising technique still being used today, it appears that it is still a significantly above-average technique in communicating with the market place. When I think of Ford, I don’t think of the Kardashians or Paris Hilton but more so middle-aged men who have a great admiration for the outdoors.  I wasn’t sure what the creators of this ad were thinking but it is safe to say that the creators of the ad knew that the women used in the advertisement would generate a great deal of exposure. But with such a controversial advertisement they may have taken the saying “no press is bad press” much too far.

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