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Monthly Archives: October 2013

Influencing Consumer Behaviour: A Positive or Negative Outcome for Consumers

While browsing through Shopper’s Drugmart, I found myself searching the internet for reviews on a specific product. Review sites aren’t limited to only products, but there are also review sites for restaurants (Urbanspoon) and movies (Rotten Tomatoes). Statistics show that 97% of consumers use these review sites to decide on what to purchase. These reviews will influence their decision on purchasing the item, however, there seems to be debate on the reliability of these review sites. Just about anyone can […]

Rogers Marketing Strategy: Killing Two Birds with One Stone

Canadian mobile users have disputes on which mobile company has the best and cheapest cell phone plans, and they always end up with three: Rogers, Telus, and Bell. With Rogers’ new service, “Rogers Alerts”, hopefully those disputes will subside. Their new service that is yet to be launched will help spread news about their new promotions while connecting their advertisers to their customers. With phones being the device that people always carry around, this marketing strategy is effective for Rogers […]

iPhone 5: Dilemma in Choosing which Phone to Buy

Last year, Apple announced their new product, the iPhone 5. For this product, Apple released two versions of the phone to market two target groups: iPhone 5C which has a plastic, coloured case for those who are cost-conscious, and the iPhone 5S which has a higher quality metal case, and is for those who want a more luxurious version of the iPhone 5C, but for twice the cost. With Android phones making more than 70 percent of the over-seas market, […]

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