The iPhone 6 – Apple’s Next Craze


Apple has been on a roll with their product releases. This globally-successful company recently launched the “Apple Watch”, the “iPhone 6”, and the “iPhone 6 Plus”. Consumers were able to pre-order the phones last Friday and over 4 million orders were placed according to Apple. The demand for the new iPhone 6 was s ridiculously high that Apple sets to deliver the phones at the earliest date of October.

Here is my take on the iPhone 6 craze. Apple’s strategies are genius. With such a large demand for the iPhone6, the company is able to dramatically increase their prices making the phones approximately $700.00 – $1000.00, (depending on the model and space capacity). Although there are new technological changes and features in the new iPhone 6, these aren’t the main concerns or priorities for most iPhone users.  Apple seduces its consumers with its brand. Most Apple consumers are buying into the brand of Apple –  modern, simple and cool, rather than the technology aspect. If consumers were really concerned about the technology aspect and not the brand, they would have switched to Samsung who developed virtually the same technology years ago.

To recap, Apple’s brand and marketing strategy are once again, immensely aiding the company in the launch of another successful product. In the end, Apple’s brand is powering their company and making them one of the leading technology companies in the world.


Photo Source: Apple

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