Social Enterprise and the Arc Initiative

“If  the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise?”


Although the United Nations is fully funded organization, their mission is to improve peace and security, development, humanitarian affairs and international law. It is evident that the United Nations’ services are very much needed, however, their goals do not align with improving social enterprise matters. That is where the Arc Initiative steps in – the Arc’s primary goal is to develop business skill sets in people living in third-world countries and help those entrepreneurs build their own sustainable businesses. While the United Nations focus on the general improvement of living and political matters on a national or even international scale, social enterprise programs like the Arc Initiative focuses their efforts in a municipal scale in small towns in third world countries. Since the Arc Initiative targets smaller geographic segments, they are able to provide a higher quality and more personal one to one experience for the developing entrepreneurs. Unlike most generalized UN programs, the Arc Initiative’s unique program provides the entrepreneurs with a mentor that genuinely cares about the developing company, leading the entrepreneur to have a contact for life for support and business advice. While the United Nations focus their efforts on fixing problems of the past,  programs like the Arc Initiative are developing skills to build a sustainable future in third world countries. Both the roles of the United Nations and the Arc Initiative are equally as important as they have different tasks to fulfill.


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