Imagine Day

Do I really even need to post something? I’m sure there are dozens of my fellow blog squadders who have already thoroughly covered this topic, haha.

But here goes anyway:


I had originally planned to wake up at seven in the morning so that I would have ample time to wake up and eat breakfast, but unfortunately, that plan like many others similar to it, failed me. Don’t judge me. When it’s seven in the morning and you figure you have another hour before you actually have to leave, it’s hard to resist the soft fluffiness of your pillow. Nonetheless, I managed to drag myself out from under the covers and into clothes and reach the Thunderbird field to meet my MUG, where I had to navigate a sea of red to find them. Also to note, I was the only girl in my engineering MUG. How stereotypical.

Also while meeting with my MUG, the EUS was kind enough to give us a lovely goodie bag filled with the Engineer’s Handbuk, which contained wonderful information about the EUS and it’s many many traditions along with an agenda that had hilarious nerdy, science and math related pick up lines(“I’d be the photon to your electron and take you to an excited state”), along with some awesome EUS sunglasses, the AMS insider, and a t-shirt. I asked for a medium, so the shirt is a tad oversized on me, but ah, well.

Meet the Dean

For applied science, this was in Thunderbird Stadium. The Dean of Engineering spoke to us, along with the EUS(Engineering Undergraduate Society) president. Both gave speeches on how we would go on to work hard and achieve great things during our time here at UBC. Nothing extremely special but still motivating and inspiring. I spent a lot of the time rather dazed, given that I had only woken up about half an hour before and was fairly groggy from the walk up.

Student Success Workshop

Here, we were given advice about how to balance our life at UBC. An engineering physics professor(whose name I can’t recall at the moment) came and spoke to us as well. He made it very clear that the excellent grades we were used to getting in high school would be very difficult to achieve here at UBC. Very encouraging…. but at least now I have to motivation to work hard 🙂 We were also given in a worksheet to colour in based on our feelings toward how fulfilled we feel in different aspects of our lives(personal, emotional, academic, spiritual, health, etc) although none of us actually filled it out…. ah well.

Campus tour

The most useful part of Imagine day definitely had to be the campus tour. My MUG leader was very helpful and showed us where the main buildings for engineering were located on campus. Unfortunately, that turned out to backfire, but I’ll post something else about that.

Rally(I forget what the official name was)

DEFINITELY the most fun part of the day. All 8,000 undergrads were put into one gym for the sole purpose of expressing their faculty pride. Needless to say, engineers pwnd everyone else, but I might be a little biased. As soon as we entered the gym, it was pretty obvious that the engineers dominated over both Arts and Science since we are clearly and most obviously the best. I mean, purple and blue may have taken up the most space in the gym, but we all know red was where it’s at.

Beyond our supermegaawesomefoxyhot faculty cheer, the best part of the rally was definitely watching the head of each faculty walk in to the soundtrack of the Imperial March. I would gladly be a Stormtrooper for those people anyday.

Main Event

The main event was a club fair where all of UBC’s clubs came out to strut their stuff. As if the sheer amount of clubs wasn’t impressive enough, what they were actually for impressed me further. For example, the UBC Baja club makes and races cars. Maybe I’m just easily impressed, or I just really really wanted to joyride, but they didn’t even have to ask for me to put my email down on the sign-up sheet. There’s also a Mafia Club. Wait, WHAT?! There is a club that comes together once a month for the sole purpose of playing Mafia?! Another club where I didn’t even think about putting down my email.

Once I managed to dig my way out of the ocean of clubs, I headed off with a friend for sushi and Korean tofu in the Village before retreating to my dorm room and falling soundly asleep for classes the next day.

But just in case the rest of you didn’t know….. WHO THE HELL ARE WE?!

We are, we are, we are, the engineers,

We can, we can, we can, demolish forty beers,

Drink rum, drink rum, drink rum, drink rum, drink rum, and follow us,

For we don’t give a damn for old men who don’t give a damn for us!


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