When the professor shows you the 3D printer in the Eng Fizz labs for the first time

When a professor over in Hennings today showed me and my friends the 3D printer for the first time and we were just like,

When I first came into engineering, I thought for sure I was either going into mechanical or computer engineering but after seeing all the awesome toys that engineering physics gets to play with… Man, I don’t know.

There’s a really popular stereotype about engineers being socially awkward and really nerdy. I’m not gonna lie, it’s true a lot of the time(at least for me…) but hey– we have the coolest, most awesome toys. Aside from the 3D printer, there’s a laser cutter and a water jet cutter, all three of which we’re allowed to use for our own personal projects(as long as we pay for the materials, which is only 10 cents a gram). Looking around and seeing the machines in the lab today, I felt like a fat kid who had been let loose in a Hostess factory and then told he was allowed to make his own twinkies.

Looks like I can finally build that light saber shaft.


2 thoughts on “When the professor shows you the 3D printer in the Eng Fizz labs for the first time

  1. Ava 101 says:

    Haha love your honesty about the stereotypes!
    ps. This may or may not be my favourite blog post on this blog so far… KITTENS.

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